Women Like Their Best Friend More Than Their Husband, According To Study

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A study has found most women actually prefer their best mate to their husband – which may or may not come as a surprise.


The survey, conducted by spa company Champneys, revealed a woman’s best friend is her soulmate, not her romantic partner.

Out of the 1,517 women questioned, more than 50 per cent claimed their girlfriends ranked higher than their husbands when it came to who they were closest to.


There were a whole load of reasons why women said they preferred their friends to their husband.

The most popular response was down to the feeling they could ‘talk about everything’ with their best friends. Which was followed closely by the fact they felt their female bestie ‘listened more’ than their significant other, and said they can tell them things they couldn’t tell their partner.

39 per cent of people surveyed said they ‘laugh until they cry’ with their girls, and 29 per cent said they can truly be themselves around their best friend.


Oh, and a quarter said they had much more in common with their friends than their own husband.


Now, call me old fashioned, but if you can’t truly be yourself around your partner, what’s the point?

The study also found more than one in four women said their female friends were ‘less irritating’ than their husband, and almost a fifth of those surveyed said their girls had a ‘better sense of humour’.

More than 40 per cent of women who took part in the study said they felt they were closer to their best friend because they ‘enjoy the same things’.


And 28 per cent said the reason they’re closer to their bestie is because ‘she offers better advice’.

Here’s the full list:

We can talk about everything (57 per cent)

She listens more (45 per cent)

I can tell her things I could not tell my partner (44 per cent)

We enjoy the same things  (41 per cent)

We laugh until we cry (39 per cent)

I can truly be myself (29 per cent)

We go back much further (29 per cent)

She offers better advice (28 per cent)

She is less irritating (26 per cent)

We have much more in common (25 per cent)

She has a better sense of humour (19 per cent)

We go wild when we’re together (18 per cent)

Surely these are all points for a good, strong relationship too?

A spokesperson for Champneys said:

These research findings back up our own sales stats which show that all female group bookings for our spa days and weekend offerings have nearly doubled over the past 12 months.

In fact, our Girly Getaway and ‘Girls Night In’ packages for groups of six or more are among the most in demand packages at Champneys Spa resorts.

So that’s it then. Guys, your wife may actually prefer her best friend to you, but then, you probably already had your suspicions about that anyway.


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