After a perilous 90 minute fight, two fisherman in Perth were finally able to land this monster shark but what they didn’t know was that it could be a record setter.
The 3.85 meter hammerhead was caught off Geraldton Beach last weekend by Jamie Dennis and Mitchell Palmer but the shark wasn’t landed without a monster fight, reports the Daily Mail.

After reeling it into the shallows the shocked pals posed for photos with the beautiful beast, even opening its mouth at one point, revealing its devastatingly sharp gnashers.

Once they measured the shark’s length, and finding out they may well have beaten an unofficial record, the pair let the shark go free back into the tide.
The brute of a fish was caught using a 60-pound line but still left Jamie ‘bloody knackered’.
Speaking after the big haul, the pair explained:
It took a mullet, a fresh mullet, that’s it, nothing super nothing special just a store-bought mullet. The bait was soaking for less than ten minutes before it took it.
A fishing line company from the U.S., Xtremebraid, believe that the shark that was caught breaks an unofficial world record for line class weight.

Whether they’ll set the record or not that’s one helluva catch. Hemingway would be proud.