Australian Daredevil Sandboarder Flies Down Massive Dune And Into The Sea

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Think you’re an adrenaline junkie? How would you feel about throwing yourself down a sand dune on nothing but a board before plummeting into the sea at 30mph?

Well, that’s exactly what daredevil sandboarder Hamish Lockett did, being filmed expertly sliding down the steep dune on a beach in Queensland, Australia, and landing with perfect accuracy in the sea below.

In the adrenaline-filled footage, Hamish’s board hits the waves before he is launched into the air, crashing down into the ocean and disappearing from sight.

Kennedy News and Media

The architecture graduate later posted the video, which was filmed by his friend Linford Shulman, to TikTok, where it has since racked up more than 3 million views and 400,000 likes.


Hamish described his unusual stunt as ‘particularly unique’, adding:

I wasn’t scared about taking on the stunt, I was excited.

We’d practised timing for ages, hoping for a moment where we hit the wave and get launched into the air.

I was so glad that I had finally pulled this off!

There are not many spots where you get this landscape that allows you to get enough pace up and also reach the ocean.

Everything aligned perfectly in the video. Thanks, Mother Nature!

As soon as I hit the water for the second time, I was just focused on getting back to the sand before I got dumped by another wave. The water can get deep very fast at this beach.

Hamish only started sandboarding four years ago, but has already travelled around Australia honing his skills.

Kennedy News and Media

The 21-year-old said:

Sandboarding is an interesting scene and has the potential for a crazy outcome.

You’re constantly thinking, ‘Don’t drag your feet, and don’t get your fingers under the board’. I’ve accidentally done both before and it can badly cut you, it’s not ideal.

I think it’s had this reaction because people love seeing wild, fast-paced and interesting ideas people have come up with and that have worked and lead to something epic. The more unique the better.

We have visited this place eight times now and I’m sure we’ll be here again soon. We have also boarded in various areas of Tasmania, there are some good spots there as well.

I think I’ll stick to getting my thrills from watching crime dramas in the comfort of my own home for now…


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