Bald Head Tug Of War Is The Sport We Didn’t Know We Needed

Bald tug of warRuptly

Those with bald heads can often cop quite a bit of flack from their family and friends on account of their smooth, shiny scalps.

However, bald guys have plenty of tricks up their sleeves which should leave their hairier counterparts jealous. For example, being able to fry an egg on their head, do a convincing impression of a Mitchell brother and of course, partake in the noble sport of Bald Head Tug Of War.

Now, tug of war for many of us conjures up primary school sports days and people falling on their bums all over a muddy field.

Bald Head Tug Of War is actually way more professional than this though, and takes plenty of skill, concentration and sportsmanship. And of course, a head like a well-polished Fabergé egg.

Members of the Bald Men Club in the Japanese city of Tsuruta, take a truly inspiring and unique approach to baldness, and have plenty of fun and games in the process. Founded back in 1989, the Bald Men Club is comprised of around 65 members from all over Japan.

Each year, members participate in a highly unusual tug-of-war battle, which involves two bald men sticking a suction cup to their heads and attaching themselves together via the suction cups using a red rope.

Each man will then try his hardest to pull their opponent’s cup away from their head, while keeping their own attached, after which they’ll be proclaimed the victor.

According to the club’s website, members aspire to ‘view baldness in a positive manner, to have fun, and to brighten the world with our shiny heads.’ An excellent motto, I’m sure you will agree.

One octogenarian champ said:

Fortunately I won the championship I so feel good. Anyway, I will join the fight for years more if my physical condition is still alright.

I’m now 81-years-old, at the age of 83, 84, I will still fight if I am in good condition. When I was young, my hair already started falling out and I became bald.

I have felt it as a big inferiority complex. After I met this group, I could be more confident in myself.

His defeated opponent admitted:

I’m frustrated, frustrated and frustrated, but no way! I will try to win next time!

Those who’ve seen footage of the follically challenged competitors in action have been delighted and charmed by the members’ positive attitude and sense of humour.

One person commented:

はげます in Japanese has two meanings. One is to lose one’s hair. Another is to encourage someone. So, bald men can make everyone happy. [sic]

Another said:

Oh yeah I found my calling! Bald head tug of war champion of the world!

According to The Telegraph, the club’s chairman, Teijiro Sugo, has high hopes for the sport taking off on a global scale.

70-year-old Sugo said:

I want all the bald men all over the world to gather here so we can organize a bald men’s Olympic tournament.

Now this is one Olympic sport I would love to see…

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