There are a few occupational hazards within the world of powerlifting, and this unlucky lady has educated the world on what one of them is.
‘BlondeBeautyBri’ as she’s known on Instagram was competing at the Raw Unity Powerlifting Championships, or ‘Rum9’, reports UPROXX.
Having loosened up with some interpretive dance, Bri starts her lift but what she hasn’t prepared for is an unexpected bout of projectile vomiting.
Check it out:
Credit to her, she refused to let the spew prevent her from completing the lift.
A+ for effort and commitment.
Bri even shared the moment she first saw a replay of the incident:
Rather than boycott social media and the inevitable piss-take memes, Bri absolutely owned the situation and began sharing them herself:
Well played Bri.
Having analysed the routine, I think I can see the cause of the vomit…