Former World’s Strongest Man Eddie Hall Is Looking More Ripped Than Ever

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After tipping the scales at 30.9 stone, which he described as ‘torturous’, former world’s strongest man, Eddie Hall, has now dropped to a ‘stable’ 26 stone.


However, just because he’s losing weight, it doesn’t mean he isn’t as ripped as ever. In fact, he somehow looks even more like a beast.

Eddie was crowned World’s Strongest Man in 2017, after beating 29 other men in the competition, which took place in Botswana. He had to eat thousands of calories everyday to maintain his huge physique and to keep his strength up.


However, as soon as he bagged the highly sought after top spot, he went on a strict diet and cardio routine to slim down to a more manageable weight.

Now, the 30-year-old strongman has taken to social media to show off his ‘slimmed down’ frame, having lost five stone over the last year thanks to a new regime of diet, cardio, and weight-lifting sessions.


Posting on Instagram, Eddie wrote:

I’m sitting around 163-164kg / 26 stone / 360lbs‘ and think this is my stable weight now, il carry on loosing fat and keep gaining muscle at this weight all being well. [sic]

I keep taking my oblivion to help this happen and I’m feeling great and not looking too bad either.

Eddie revealed he’d no longer be competing in the World’s Strongest Man competition, back in May this year, saying:


For the people that keep asking why I don’t compete at the worlds strongest man anymore…Simple:- I choose to live a healthier life now and enjoy the fruits of my labour. [sic]

I felt as though the sun was beginning to set on my life and I needed to start swimming back from dark waters to start to see sunlight again.

It seems the decision has paid off too, as he’s looking more ripped than ever.

Check it out:

As well as his new weight loss regime, Eddie has taken up boxing, and has even challenged his rival, Robert Oberst, to a few rounds in the ring.


He wrote:

So as part of my mission to drop weight iv been boxing twice weekly and the speed and coordination is coming back slowly….. [sic]

This was at the end of an hour long session, 1 minute rounds with 1 minute rest, continuously for 1 hour solid. [sic]

I think me and @robertoberst should jump in a ring and raise some money for charity especially after seeing that pathetic excuse just put a boxing video up. (Cringe) what you guys saying? [sic] #knockhimthef*ckout?

Big Love The Beast

Speaking about his time after being crowned World’s Strongest Man, Eddie told The Malestrom:

For me being the World’s Strongest Man I had to compete at such a huge bodyweight, so 32 stone.

To go after another title and maintain that bodyweight and potentially get even bigger and stronger was such a huge risk to my life, not just my health, my life. I feel like that risk outweighed the return.

So for that reason it’s so easy for me to say, you know what I achieved my dream, I’ve won World’s Strongest Man, I’ve done what I needed to do in the sport and I’m walking away a champion and also I’m capitalising on the win.

You can’t argue with that!


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