Kickboxer Has Bizarre, Yet Hilarious Response To Being Knocked Clean Out

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If you’ve been knocked out, you’d probably just take it on the chin and just leave it there- you’ve lost. But this guy had a bit of a more bizarre response…


This fight from a couple of years ago was broadcast on Maori TV in New Zealand, but was replayed very recently by the broadcaster… and it’s pretty hilarious.


There’s a serious lack of info about those involved in the fight and all we know is that Terry Hill was the referee, but when you watch the clip the whole thing get’s a lot weirder.


At first you just think it’s a pretty standard kickboxing fight, but then one of the guys gets knocked clean out…


He tries getting back up, but falls back down straight away…


Then he tries hurling himself over the top rope…


We have a couple of ideas why he might have done this. Maybe that final punch simply knocked out all of his brain cells or he just wanted to get the fuck out of this embarassing situation?


Either way, I guess we will never know exactly why… funny though.