Game of Thrones fans know him as The Mountain, to strongman enthusiasts he is Hafthór Björnsson – but I think everyone can agree he is a beast.
The Icelandic icon is busy preparing for the 2016 edition of World’s Strongest Man, and as you’d expect his plans involve a hell of a lot more than countless hours in the gym.
Björnsson is also following a highly regimented diet plan and, following numerous requests on social media, he has shared that plan with the world.
Check it out:
Björnsson said:
People been asking me a lot about my diet and what I eat! Here’s my diet plan for my preparation for World’s Strongest Man 2016! Yes this is a lot & I don’t recommend YOU to try this!!
6:50 Morning workout! Cardio + CORE for 30min Bcca, Glutamine + handful of almonds
7:30 8 eggs + 200gr Oats + blueberries & strawberries + avocado
9:30 400gr Beef, 400gr Sweet potatoes, handful of spinach & greens
11:50 Bcca, glutamine,
12:00 400gr Chicken + 400gr potatoes, greens + some fruits
14:00 Blender = 150gr oats or sweet potatoes, 2 bananas 150gr kelloggs rice krispies, frozen berries, handful almonds, peanut butter and glutamine
14:30 Training strongman, Bcca, glutamine, Vitargo
17:30 60gr protein + 2 banans
18:00 500gr beef + potatoes, greens
20:30 500gr salmon + 500gr sweet potatoes
22:30 50gr casein protein or 6 eggs + avacado + 30gr almonds + 50gr peanut butterDrink a lot of water throughout the day + Juices to get more calories!! middle of the night 50gr casaine protein or raw eggs.
Time will tell whether the plan will see Hafthór better his third place finish from 2015, with American Brian Shaw currently enjoying the competition’s crown.
And, unless you are following a strongman workout routine, I’d listen to the man and steer clear of taking on this monster diet.