This Could Be The Future Of Live Sports And It Looks incredible


Watching footy in the pub could be about to change forever…

Microsoft have released an incredible video showing sports fans how they might watch live events in the future.

They’ve gone big with its predictions on the future of live sports and naturally, it involves their HoloLens augmented reality headset.


On the eve of Superbowl 50, the American technology giant has imagined a way to bring NFL into you’re home/pub/wherever you watch your sports.

During a panel discussion on the theme of ‘The Future of Football: How Technology Could Shape the Next 50 Years of the Game’, Microsoft unveiled a futuristic video which shows a series of sports fans using their HoloLens headset.


Despite this example using NFL, this way of streaming live sport could be pretty much applied to any other sport.

Viewers will find themselves immersed in a sporting universe, but obviously there will be slight limitations when it comes to the visual range.

The match could be projected on an entire wall, so you could see all 22 players at once and with just one click of a button or hand movement you could open up play right there on your table.

With help from 3D capable cameras placed all around the stadium, you will be able to zoom in, pause and rotate to see the game how you want to see it.

You will be able to check all the stats and you’d even be able to produce holograms of life-size players to be in the room with you. It’s pretty ground-breaking stuff this.

The HoloLens – which will be available in a few months for $3,000 each – does look awesome, but it remains to be seen if it can meet Microsoft’s lofty ambitions.

Either way, we are well excited if this is the future of live sport as we know it.