The vice-president of a Serbian football team has defended their fans’ racist chants against a Brazilian player.
The FK Rada vice-president, Jelena Polic, wrote a disturbing post on Facebook, supporting the racial abuse her football team’s fans inflicted upon Everton Luiz.
In a recent match, fans of the Serbian team hurled abuse at Luiz whenever he touched the ball, heckling him and making ‘monkey’ noises, the Daily Mail reports.

In defence of her fans’ actions, Polic posted online:
The whole story about this ‘big’ Everton player and the stuff that happened in the game between Rad and Partizan is biased and sad.
Apparently we have to respect others more than ourselves, to be proud when in the ‘TITO’ team (Partizan) has 7 foreign players. and then fake tears, fake ‘I love Serbia and I see it as my house’ story.
Well, why don’t you go back to Brazil and show your dark fingers to them and swear on Brazilians’ mothers and everything will be ok.
Horrified by their behaviour, Luiz responded by swearing at the aggressive crowd, but what happened next is inexcusable…

Horrifyingly, fans of the RK Rada team unravelled a poster with awful insults emblazoned on it towards the Brazilian player, prompting the early finishing of the match.
After tolerating all of this, distraught Luiz walked off the pitch early, as the game ground to a halt.
Luiz admitted to MailOnline:
There have been many episodes, and not just in Serbia, but in other countries here in Europe.
The fans were shouting calling me a monkey, imitating the animal the whole time. When I got close, I could here it more loudly and I became very angry.
But even so I had to carry on playing and representing my team.

This is disgusting.
There is absolutely no excuse for this sort of thing. Ever. Period.