For those of us brought up in the 90’s or earlier, we weren’t exactly brought up with a wealth of technology, but how times have changed.
The best we got was maybe one of those big ol’ box like computers, which were probably less technically able then the box it actually came in.
But now in 2016, the kids are having all the fun. Smartphones, tablets, snazzy computers as standard and at school they even get to learn how to code now. We just can’t compete with that.

And as a result of this growing computing knowhow, some 10-year-old has managed to somehow find a major flaw in Instagram. Amazing.
Instead of being a bit pissed off with the hack, Facebook – who bought Instagram back in 2012 – instead decided to reward the kids knowledge and hand over a $10,000 (£7,000) reward. Result!
Only known as Jani (his parents have understandably withheld his surname), he benefitted from Facebook’s ‘bug bounty’ program.

This essentially offers cash rewards to those who find bugs or flaws in Facebook, which fortunately for Jani also included Instagram.
According to Finnish news site Iltalehti, Jani figured out a way to get into Instagram’s servers and delete text posted by Instagram users.
He could even delete Justin Bieber’s comments with the flaw he found, which considering the singers recent antics could turn out to be quite a good thing.

And this isn’t the first time Jani and his twin brother have found security flaws either. According to their father, they have found several flaws in websites before, but not significant enough faults to justify a payout- until now that is.
If only I had the first fucking clue about coding, I’d be getting straight on that.