How can this thing even fly? New superjumbo jet can hold over 600 passengers… and there’s space leftover!
Luxury airline Emirates has ripped out first class in its new Airbus A380 planes to make economy class bigger than ever.

The world’s largest passenger plane will hold a staggering 615 passengers in business and economy – but those who are thinking they’ll lose out on legroom – think again.
An additional 130 economy seats have been added to the new two-class A380 at the expense of the spacious first class cabin and trimming 18 flat-bed seats from business class. This will mean it will carry about 100 more passengers than its existing fleet.

The newly configured Airbus was unveiled at the Dubai Airshow this week, with 557 seats in economy and 58 seats and a lounge in business – incredibly, this is equal to the population of a small village.
Despite cramming a lot more seats on board, Emirates insist that it will be still be very spacious and comfortable and from the pictures we can’t really disagree. Guests will also be able to enjoy one of the widest in-flight entertainment screens, at 13.3 inches.

This massive beast of a plane will be used on Emirates’ Dubai-Copenhagen route when it enters service on December 1.
A bit of equality restored in air travel, perhaps?