Thunder could be the smartest noise-cancelling pair of lightning earphones for those that really care about sound.
Apple is rumored to be ditching the 3.5mm audio jack on their upcoming iPhone 7 in favor of lightning earphones and knowing Apple, they probably won’t include a converter for those with headphones they love already.
Noise-cancelling lightning earphones with no need for batteries

BeSound, a company based in China is in the process of bringing Thunder, a pair of earphones to the market to feature a lightning connector, noise-cancellation, ability to personalise your sound, hi-fi quality sound, and end-to-end lossless audio.
Most noise-cancelling headphones usually require batteries or you have to recharge it to allow that function, but the Thunder lightning earphones are designed to draw power via your iPhone’s lightning port.
If you’re worried about it draining your iPhone’s battery, the company mentioned that it takes the minimal amount of power to make noise-cancellation happen, so no need to worry.
To make the noise-cancellation possible, Thunder lightning earphones measures the ambient noise around you, then uses the built-in DSP (Digital Signal Processing) to do some processing, resulting in anti-noise sounds being generated.
Customise the sound to suit your taste
Accompanied by an app, you can adjust and personalise the sound it produces as well, so it doesn’t matter what your taste in music is, you can have a heavy bass music pumping and thumping through or you can just adjust for clear voice when listening to podcasts.
Apple is being slated for ditching the usual 3.5mm audio jack because it means you’d have to go wireless or buy more expensive products, but actually it opens up other possibilities, like noise-cancellation without the need for recharging or batteries.

BeSound is already overachieving with 260% of its $10,000 goal reached, however, you can still get involved. The Thunder earphones can be backed in IndieGoGo for as little as $139 and they ship worldwide.

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