Boy Accidentally Locks Phone For 48 Years

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We’ve all been there, whether it’s because we’re drunk or just very forgetful, when you lock your phone because of too many incorrect password attempts.

It’s such a helpless situation, and never has a minute or two felt so long as when you’re waiting for your keypad to unlock again.

A toddler in Shanghai has proved that the locking period can be a lot longer than five minutes though.


The two-year-old boy managed to lock his mum’s phone for a staggering 48 years after entering the password so many times.


The boy’s mother got home to find that her son had locked the phone for 25 million minutes.

A phone technician at an Apple store in Shanghai was quoted as saying the woman could either wait for 48 years to try to input her passcode away, or wipe the contents of the handset.

The technician, Wei Chunlong, said:

In this woman’s case, the only way out [without waiting] is to erase all the phone data and do a factory reset.

Chunlong also explained there had been cases where people had locked their phones for over 80 years by doing the same thing.


The customer, Lu, has waited for two months but has seen no sign of the problem changing.


Lu said:

I couldn’t really wait for 47 years and tell my grandchild it was your father’s mistake

This report sparked a debate online in China with some parents saying the mother should never have allowed her child to play with her phone alone.


Others commented she should have backed up her data so that she could easily replace it… a truly riveting debate.

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This serves as an important reminder to stop yourself from drunkenly smacking your hand at your phone trying to unlock it because it could lock for 80 years!

Also don’t give it to a toddler.