Hackers Might Be Selling Your Netflix Login Details On Black Market

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War Games/United Artists

Sharing your Netflix login with a friend or loved one is not uncommon, but users should be aware that uninvited guests may be using their accounts while they foot the bill.


American security firm Symantec have reported that there is a ever-growing black market for the logins details of the video streaming service’s customers.


According to a blog on the firm’s website hackers are harvesting the necessary personal information to break into Netflix accounts through phishing campaigns and malware.

Paul Sakuma/PA

The malware, which appears on a desktop as though it is Netflix, will open the genuine Netflix homepage as a decoy while then installing Infostealer.Banload.

Symantec say the Trojan has mainly been used in Brazil, but it can give hackers access to banking information on the affected computer.

The files are apparently most likely installed when users click on fake advertisements related to Netflix.


Phishing campaigns are largely executed by email and seek to trick users into providing their login details.


Once these are provided hackers can piggyback off a users subscription as the service allows multiple logins. It also means they can sell the details on at a fraction of the cost.


Symantec posted details of one sell-on service which claimed to have 300,000 accounts available for as little as 25 cents.


Illegal users who do piggyback are implored not to make any changes to the account, such as passwords, in order to go unnoticed.


Unsurprisingly Symantec have recommended users download suitable anti-virus software, such as their own Norton package.

But failing that, anyone who is subscribed to an online streaming service should make sure to be vigilant with their details, and only login directly through official channels.