Here’s How To Activate iPhone Glitch That Makes Your Phone Run Faster

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The iPhone is a very fast machine as it is, especially the latest 6S, but what if we told you it could be a whole lot faster?


Apple filled iOS with springboard animations, you know, those irritating slow zoom motions which launch any of your apps. But now, the guys at 9to5mac have figured out a way to kill of these animations completely and in turn, maximise your device’s speed.


The best part? There’s not one single bit of hacking required. Happy days. The process does takes a little while, but it’s definitely worth it. First, you go into Settings and then General > Accessibility. Under the Interaction heading click on Assistive Touch.


This is when it gets a bit more complicated. You drag the transparent icon that pops up to the very bottom right corner. Then from the home screen, you quickly swipe down and summon Spotlight.

As soon as the chat icon is above the keyboard, tap Spotlight closed. You just need to repeat this over and over again until you see that the Spotlight is a lot faster. Just like that, your springboard animations are completely gone.


It may seem a bit of work, but it’s definitely worth giving a go- for your iPhone’s sake.