New App Shows Devastating Effect Of Crystal Meth On Your Face

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Ice Effex

A new app lets you see what you’d look like if you decided to start a fairly major crystal meth habit.


Essentially you would look withered, ill and covered in sores, as meth will absolutely fuck you up.

Ice Effex

The app’s called Ice Effex, and Australian couple Haydn Cooke and Trinity Lonel decided to create it after seeing the use of the drug – known as ‘ice’ – devastate people in their area.

It’ll be a free app on iPhone, and it’ll show you the brutal reality of meth addiction after three, six and 12 months of solid use – you upload a selfie and it adds the scabs, sores etc that’d be scarring your face.

Ice Effex

Mr Cooke told Yahoo Australia:

I see the devastation that ice has on families, not just the individual but families and communities.

And the cost financially, emotionally, physically, psychologically on individuals, families and communities.

Think I’ll give meth a miss then…