OnePlus wants to know your thoughts on what new features you’d like to see in the OnePlus 7.
The Chinese company has launched a competition for users to pitch software ideas for its upcoming smartphones with the winning entry then being developed by the OnePlus software team, and included in a future update of the Android operating system Oxygen OS.
One of the reasons OnePlus is such a popular smartphone brand is because it’s always taking on feedback from its customers on how to make its phones better. It recently changed its Gaming Mode based on comments on the company’s forum page.
The competition has been dubbed the Product Manager Challenge by the OnePlus team.
The OnePlus 6 could well be the 2018 phone of the year! 📱🙌
Posted by UNILAD Tech on Thursday, 17 May 2018
You can pitch a dream software feature or tell them about a feature you love from a rival device that can be improved on a OnePlus device.
The post reads:
Every day, we get hundreds of ideas for how to improve our devices. Much of this feedback gets picked up by our bug hunters or through surveys, making OxygenOS truly a software system that we’ve built together as a community,
But put to the test, would your idea survive the logical hoops of implementation? For those of you who’ve seen the show Shark Tank, you know what I’m getting at. If you have a dream feature you’d like to see implemented into OxygenOS, we hereby invite you to take on our Product Manager Challenge
Applicants have until February 22, 2019, to pitch their ideas to the software team. Winners will get given a device to see their ideas brought to life, as well as a VIP trip to a launch of the device.
Pitches will be judged based on the extent it contributes to a burden-less experience, how will different parts of the existing OS interact with this new feature and what the user experience will be like. The winner will be announced in mid-March with the software team working on the design immediately.
Head to the OnePlus form to find out more about the competition and to enter your own submission.
If you have a story you want to tell send it to UNILAD via [email protected]

Matt Weston is a lover of electric cars, artificial intelligence and space. From Cornwall, he’s a UCLan graduate that still dreams of being a Formula One driver in the very near future. Previously work includes reporting for regional newspapers and freelance video for the International Business Times.