Soon You’ll Be Able To Pay For Things Using Selfies

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This is good news for those who think they’re ridiculously good-looking and like taking a selfie or ten.

Mastercard have confirmed that it will start accepting selfies as an alternative to passwords when they have to verify ID’s for online payments.


The move – which is very 2016 – has been tested in the U.S. and the Netherlands, with 92 per cent of test subjects preferring the new system to passwords, The Independent reports.

Some security researchers believe this move has the potential to cut fraud, but others think it might not be as secure as the usual methods.

Mastercard now plans to roll out this ground-breaking technology to the UK, U.S, Canada and a host of European countries including the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark.

They will also start accepting fingerprints as a further alternative.


Users will be able to download this software to their PC, tablet or smartphone.


This comes after HSBC announced last week that they will be rolling out voice recognition software as a security measure for all its UK customers.


Barclays, RBS and Natwest already use this and fingerprint technology.

Could this spell the end of chip and pin as we know it?