As if we weren’t already worried enough about how Apple is tracking us and storing our data, it’s now been revealed that there’s a hidden map in your iPhone which keeps an eye on you at all times.
According to Wonderful Engineering, the feature tracks your frequent locations on a map and logs the times you arrived and departed.
It’s all very Nineteen Eighty-Four and, apparently, this thing has been enabled since iOS 7 was launched back in June 2013. So they’ve been watching us this whole time. Awkward…
Of course, Apple are adamant that the data is only stored in the iPhone itself so as to make traffic routing apps and other metadata services more efficient. But it still seems like a bit of an invasion of privacy and a pretty easy way for the company or hackers to snoop on your data.
Fortunately, a helpful YouTube video will help you to disable the function, in case the whole Apple stalking you thing creeps you out a bit and, like an angry Ron Swanson, you want to get completely off the grid.