In popular culture, cities of the future are portrayed as pretty terrifying places to be, despite the amount of awesome technology available.
A new report by a group of academics, future architects and urbanists – which looks at what life might be like 100 years from now – thinks it will be a load more fun than that.

They predict that rather than packing to go on holiday, we’ll be able to take our houses with us, thanks to massive drones- obviously.
And instead of racing to build mile-high skyscrapers, future city planners will be looking down instead. People will live in ‘earth-scrapers’, which could go 25 storeys underground.

We’ve seen some incredible underwater houses go on sale in Dubai recently, but in 2116 this won’t just be commonplace, there will be whole cities submerged underwater protected by a huge bubble.
3D-printed food will become a way of life. You’ll be able to download dishes from your favourite chef at will, printed, ready to eat in a matter of seconds.
We’ll also be able to 3D-print entire houses, and all the furniture to go in them. They will even be fitted with LED screen walls, so we can change the colour and pattern at will, because re-decorating is way too much effort.
Instead of heading to Magaluf for your hols, we will be able to take commercial flights to space, the Samsung commissioned SmartThings Future Living Report suggests (once the Moon and Mars are colonised of course).

Space scientist Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock – who co-authored the report for SmartThings – said:
Our lives today are almost unrecognisable from those a century ago. Just ten years ago, technology like SmartThings would have been inconceivable, yet today developments like this let us monitor, control and secure our living spaces with the touch of a smartphone, Dr Maggie explained. Over the next century we will see further seismic shifts in the way we live and interact with our surroundings.

2016 can do one, 2116 is where it’s at.