This Simple Trick Will Free Up Loads Of Space On Your iPhone


We’ve all been there. You’re experiencing a momentous life event that absolutely must be documented and shared with your army of acquaintances and your iPhone flashes you a little warning message…

Storage Full. Your mind goes into meltdown and your fingers into overdrive as you scramble to delete the thirteen photos you took of your breakfast from varying optimum angles.

But what if I were to tell you your first world problem has a very simple solution?


According to the aptly named Lifehacker, there’s a really simple way to free up loads of space on your iPhone, leaving you able to take snaps of your cat and film entire gigs (disclaimer: if you do this, stop it, right now) to your heart’s content.

For most of us, the vast majority of our storage is taken up by large apps… But what if you absolutely need that step-counter?

All you need to do is download a huge app, apparently. As long as the app is bigger than the amount of storage you have free (Lifehacker suggests Hearthstone, which takes up 1.89GB), once you delete the app your iPhone will clear some space for you.


Here’s what the Lifehacker suggests:

When you’re out of space, attempt to download a big app… As you download it, head to Settings > General > Storage & iCloud Usage > Available.

Here, you’ll see your storage space go up and down, and eventually the size of each application should start shrinking.

Go ahead and cancel the Hearthstone download after the space is freed up or delete it when it’s finished downloading.

Doing this, the tech tester reportedly went from 700MB available to 2.29GB.

Finally, a new feature of the iOS update that I can get on board with.