If you haven’t played Cards Against Humanity then your soul is not yet corrupted, you have hope. For the rest of us sit back and enjoy the results of the company taking to Reddit to look for suggestions.
The game is a card game where you fill in the blanks within funny and inappropriate statements with equally funny and inappropriate answers.
The thread was created in promotion of the game’s upcoming World Wide Web Pack, which will supposedly be made up primarily of the suggestions gained from the AMA.
The opportunity to offer suggestions and have questions answered garnered over 10,000 comments, and the thread did not disappoint.

One user spotted the perfect opportunity to discover if the company would own up to regretting any of the cards they have included to date.
And the response is pretty hard to argue with, with the company saying it only regrets the cards that failed to make people laugh.
So for all those cards that seem a bit close to the bone, if just one person had a chuckle then it seems it has earned its place in the deck.

Readers were also teased at the prospect of an email thread between the game’s creators and someone they claim is from the marketing team at Pornhub.
This photo was released as evidence a conversation took place between the two companies, and apparently the Cards Against Humanity team pretend to have never heard of Pornhub, and request the company explains the world of x-rated internet media.
Worth watching this space to see how that particular story unfolds.

And of course the question on every player’s mind…

Once again, if you haven’t played the game that may not make sense, so I implore you to find a morally corrupt friend who likely owns the game and get involved.