A Kenyan Won Gold In The Javelin After Teaching Himself By Watching YouTube Videos

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Kenyan Julius Yego won the javelin gold medal at World Athletics Championships in Beijing – Despite having no coach for the majority of his career, and teaching himself using YouTube videos.


He won the competition with a throw of 92.72m, four metres further than the rest of the competitors.


Speaking in 2013 the self-taught athlete said:


My coach is me, and the YouTube videos. Everybody in Kenya is a runner.

I watched YouTube and it really paid off for me, to see the training techniques and skills they are using.

I do not have a coach, my motivation comes from within. Training without a coach is not an easy thing.

Recently, he has got himself a coach, but the majority of his knowledge comes from online.

He credits the instructional videos on YouTube for teaching him. Videos like this.

It’s a genuinely amazing story, and I hope there’s more like it in the near future.

I’ve always wanted to be a professional footballer. Luckily, these video’s are on YouTube to help me out.


Inspirational stuff.