BNP Falls For Spoof ‘Hug A Jihadi’ Jeremy Corbyn Article

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The British National Party (BNP) aren’t exactly the most enlightened souls, but this one is idiotic even for them.


The BNP – who we actually forgot were a thing, to be honest – popped up recently to remind us all how dim they actually are, when they mistook an obvious spoof article for the real deal.


The article, from the satirical and quite brilliant website News Thump, claimed Jeremy Corbyn is implementing a “hug a jihadi” policy for Labour party members.


‘Hug a jihadi’ is it a Joke Corbyn.

Posted by British National Party on Thursday, 19 November 2015

Given that the headline of the piece is “terrorists should be made to sit on naughty step until they’re sorry, insists Corbyn”, you’d think that might have tipped off the folk at the BNP that something was amiss, but apparently not.


The BNP posted a link to the article on their Facebook page, accompanied by the grammatically infuriating caption “Hug a jihadi’ is it a Joke Corbyn.”


Yes. It quite literally is a joke. Just like you, guys.

Even more hilarious, the Nick Griffin fronted party still haven’t removed the post from their Facebook page, at time of writing. We guess it’s not just in their policies where they’re ignorant…
