In a fairly bizarre case, a man in Canada broke into a ranch and decided to make himself totally at home.
Christopher Hiscock, 33, broke into the house and started doing chores, BuzzFeed reports. The homeowners returned one night to find this total stranger chilling on their sofa, watching TV.
And he’d earned that TV time, after spending the day doing laundry, feeding the livestock, preparing a meal, shaving, showering and using their toothbrushes, and even writing in a diary he found, he was probably ready to put his feet up.
This is a real life diary entry Hiscock left:
Today was my first full day at the ranch. I fed the cats and horses. So much I can do here I have to remind myself to just relax and take my time.
I don’t feel alone here, I guess with 2 cats and 3 horses it’s kinda hard to be alone. Last night I had a fire in the house. It was so (peaceful). I slept like a little baby.
I saw a picture in the basement on the wall of a man holding and weighing fish on a boat. Looking at him I realized we look a lot alike, but I think I’m more handsome.
Hiscock was subsequently arrested by police and later pleaded guilty to two charges, including being unlawfully in a dwelling-house.

The Canadian Press reported Hiscock’s journey to British Columbia started in his home province of Nova Scotia earlier this month. The court heard he drove his car from Nova Scotia to Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, where he stole a truck and headed west.
He spotted the house and decided it looked like a good place for a break.
Hiscock’s lawyer, Sheldon Tate, told BuzzFeed Canada: “He was hungry and he needed a roof over his head at the time.”
Tate said his client knew the house was occupied, “which is why he put out hay for the horses, fed the pigs, he did some chores around the house.” Adding: “He was trying to be neighbourly, even though it wasn’t something he had permission to do”.
Judge Chris Cleaveley placed Hiscock on a one-year probation term with orders barring him from contacting the residents of the ranch and the owner of the Ontario truck, The Canadian Press reports.
When the judge asked what his plans were he said he didn’t know, saying: “The woods is a good place, I suppose. There’s a lot of fish out there.”
Go onwards, you brilliant human being.