As anybody that has ever bought anything off eBay will know, China love a cheap knock-off. But it doesn’t stop at football shirts, watches and Jordans. They do shit replica’s of iconic landmarks, too.
China have been building replica’s of world famous structures, which is kind of weird, but experts believe that there’s a strong reason.
Oxford University scholar and archaeologist Jack Carlson said:
The ancient parallels for these copycat projects suggest that they are not mere follies, but monumental assertions of China’s global primacy.
The Great Sphinx of Giza, from Egypt, and now an unfinished park in Chuzhou,
One of over 100 attractions in the Beijing World Park includes a Syndey Opera House, complete with Sydney Harbour Bridge.
The world famous ‘Leaning Tower Of Shanghai’.
Austria… Or China? (It’s China)
In 2007, a development company built a mock-Paris, including a scaled Eiffel Tower. Normal. Apparently it’s empty and the place is a ghost town now.
‘Florentia Village’.
The Mentougou Weather Bureau, based on Moscow’s Kremlin. With a nice golden arch for good measure.
Easter Island, recreated.
Jiangsu province has it’s own Arc de Triomphe. Probably won’t be seeing this one on the Tour de France.
China’s Macau is a gambling hotspot, that also has it’s own Roman Colosseum.
So there it is, save money on a round-the-world trip, and see it all in one country. China.