After acclaimed filmmaker Kevin Smith revealed he had suffered a huge heart attack, many people in the industry rushed to offer words of support.
Well-wishers included Hollywood leading man Chris Pratt who, despite having never met Kevin, admitted to having ‘loved’ him since the release of cult film Clerks.
Taking to Twitter following the news of Kevin’s heart attack, the 38-year-old Guardians of the Galaxy star tweeted the following message alongside a praying hands emoji:
Kevin we don’t know each other too good but I have loved you since Clerks and I’m praying my ass off for you cause I believe in the healing power of prayer.
Can you please pray with me people!?
Kevin we don’t know each other too good but I have loved you since Clerks and I’m praying my ass off for you cause I believe in the healing power of prayer. Can you please pray with me people!? ?♥️ https://t.co/syB7BiQaoY
— chris pratt (@prattprattpratt) February 26, 2018
However, many people were none too happy with Chris’s call to prayer; and a heated debate over religion sprung up among fans.
Many of those criticising Chris’s tweet drew comparisons with the hollow statements which are all too often given by politicians in the aftermath of a shooting.
This is naturally a difficult topic so soon after the devastating school shooting in Florida.
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One person retorted:
No. I believe in the healing power of a doctor’s hands. If prayers worked, there wouldn’t be anymore school shootings because all anyone ever does about those is pray.
Another person scoffed:
Too bad God doesn’t love all the children that die of diseases every day all around the world ..I wonder how god picks n chooses who he’s gonna love that day.
If god knows everything that will ever happen, doesn’t he already know who will live or die? Whats the point of praying?
No. I believe in the healing power of a doctor’s hands. If prayers worked, there wouldn’t be anymore school shootings because all anyone ever does about those is pray.
— Sarah (@navy83girl) February 26, 2018
Kevin smith is an atheist? So why would you pray for him?
— Jason London (@jlondon303) February 26, 2018
Faith in medication working. Medication that are proven to heal sometimes. There is NO proof there is a higher power. Zilch.
— ManBat (@Neighstation4) February 26, 2018
THAT'S the problem: prayer doesn't do shit, it doesn't help them go any extra bit and God isn't helping anyone. And the farce that he is is killing people everywhere.
— exoren22 (@exoren22) February 26, 2018
Too bad God doesn't love all the children that die of diseases every day all around the world ..I wonder how god picks n chooses who he's gonna love that day. If god knows everything that will ever happen, doesn't he already know who will live or die? Whats the point of praying?
— CHAD JOUDREY (@CHAD1524) February 27, 2018
Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn rushed to Chris’s defence after seeing the backlash, making the following statement:
So I just read Chris Pratt’s tweet to Kevin Smith saying he would pray for him & made the mistake of reading the comments, many of which go off on Chris for saying he’d pray. I think people misunderstand the backlash against ‘thoughts & prayers.’
There is nothing wrong with sending someone positive thoughts & prayers. But when this is coupled with inaction when action will benefit the situation, it’s empty.
If you’re offering Parkland shooting survivors prayers, but are unwilling to deal with the problems of gun violence in this country in a practical way, those prayers are empty.
So I just read Chris Pratt’s tweet to Kevin Smith saying he would pray for him & made the mistake of reading the comments, many of which go off on Chris for saying he’d pray. I think people misunderstand the backlash against “thoughts & prayers.” (thread)
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) February 26, 2018
2 There is nothing wrong with sending someone positive thoughts & prayers. But when this is coupled with inaction when action will benefit the situation, it’s empty.
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) February 26, 2018
3 If you’re offering Parkland shooting survivors prayers, but are unwilling to deal with the problems of gun violence in this country in a practical way, those prayers are empty.
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) February 26, 2018
James continued:
And if you’re going to offer prayers to the folks suffering in Puerto Rico, you might consider adding a link for a donation or calling on your representatives to take action, in addition to those prayers. Prayers alone will not change the world.
But no one expects Chris Pratt to shoulder doctors out of the way and perform heart surgery on Kevin Smith. Nor does Kevin need Chris to pay his medical bills. So I think his prayers are appreciated, and about all he can do.
I’m not tweeting this to defend Chris – he’s a big boy and can take care of himself. But for me, personally, prayer and meditation are great boons to my life and help me navigate my way through this world, and I don’t want to dissuade others who find those things useful.
4 And if you’re going to offer prayers to the folks suffering in Puerto Rico, you might consider adding a link for a donation or calling on your representatives to take action, in addition to those prayers. Prayers alone will not change the world.
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) February 26, 2018
5 But no one expects Chris Pratt to shoulder doctors out of the way and perform heart surgery on Kevin Smith. Nor does Kevin need Chris to pay his medical bills. So I think his prayers are appreciated, and about all he can do.
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) February 26, 2018
6 I’m not tweeting this to defend Chris – he’s a big boy and can take care of himself. But for me, personally, prayer and meditation are great boons to my life and help me navigate my way through this world, and I don’t want to dissuade others who find those things useful.
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) February 26, 2018
Interestingly, back in 2014 Kevin spoke about his belief in a higher being with the BBC, and so Chris’s words may have meant more to him than critics may think.

Jules studied English Literature with Creative Writing at Lancaster University before earning her masters in International Relations at Leiden University in The Netherlands (Hoi!). She then trained as a journalist through News Associates in Manchester. Jules has previously worked as a mental health blogger, copywriter and freelancer for various publications.