What a set of cheeky bastards.
Currys refused to repair a man’s 65-inch TV as they said the fly that caused the damage was an ‘act of God’, and not covered by the warranty.
Chris Chamney, 22, got his LG TV last Boxing Day and contacted the store a week ago when the pixels went black.
The store refused to repair it, saying a fly had got stuck in the back and the fault was ‘an act of God’, which isn’t covered by their one-year warranty, The Mirror reports.

I bought my television on Boxing Day last year for £800 in Fosse Park shopping centre [in Leicester], and a few weeks ago, I noticed that the pixels had gone out. I spoke to Currys and they said that they would look at it as it was still within its one year warranty.
A couple of days after, I got a call from KnowHow [Currys’ technical support service] who said that they wouldn’t repair it, and were really vague as to why they wouldn’t.
I then rang Currys and they said a tinder fly had got stuck in the TV, and that had broken the pixels in the screen.
They said that as it’s an ‘act of God’ it would cost me £95 to repair the screen. I spoke to Citizen’s Advice who said that I should write a formal complaint about what happened and mention my rights, and that it had been noted to Trading Standards.
Currys didn’t pay much attention to that. They just said it wasn’t covered. It seems bizarre to me that a fly being able to crawl into a television and damage the pixels is an ‘act of god’ and not a manufacturer’s issue.
Currys has since apologised to Mr Chamney, a spokesman for the company saying yesterday:
We are sorry that Mr Chamney’s experience with us did not reflect our usual high standards.
We have since offered to repair his TV, as should originally have been the case, but understand that LG are now doing this.
We will be contacting Mr Chamney to offer a further gesture of goodwill, and hope he is back enjoying his box soon.
Well there you go. Apparently God is sending flies to break people’s TVs now. Bit of a dick move from the Almighty deity, but who am I to question His actions?