Now that’s a spicy chicken wing.
This guy struck gold – gold in paper form, technically – when he found nearly $1,300 (£852) in cash in his box of chicken wings. No wings though, so it’s not all good news.
Bartender Mike Vegas from California thought he had the night off, so decided to relax with a pizza and some wings from Domino’s, the Huffington Post reports.
But as the food arrived he was told he had to go in to work, so Vegas left the wings in the fridge. When he finished his shift he opened up the box to find two stacks of bills, one containing $666, and the other $633.
When you order Dominoes Pizza and instead of wings you get cash…..#doihavetogiveitback #ihavetotakeitback #karmatest #dominoespizza
Posted by Mike Vegas on Saturday, 19 September 2015
He told NBC Bay Area:
I got off work really late, and when I came back home I found the cash in the delivery box — a refrigerated deposit. I was rubbing my eyes at 5 a.m., laughing at myself.
He decided to return the cash, and karma – with a little help from Domino’s – rewarded him with free pizza for a year.
The general manager of the store thanked Vegas for his honesty, saying: “Thank you so much for this. Honest people are hard to find these days.”
Well done Mike for doing the right thing.