Dwayne Johnson Gives His Daughter A Piggy Back, Gets Sh*t On


Can you smell what The Rock is cooking? 

Whatever the dish, it certainly didn’t sit well with his daughter.

In a recent Instagram post, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson shared a delightful tale of fatherhood with his fans, from which we have inferred that sometimes being a dad can be pretty shit.

A photo posted by therock (@therock) on

The consummate storyteller captioned this picture perfect moment, writing:

It’s labor day. One of my favourite holidays as we celebrate the blue collar American worker and their contributions to our country thru labor and sweat.

In the spirit of labor day, I had an amazing conversation w/ my baby girl about the value of hard work and how respect is given when it’s earned.

I told her, “Baby girl when you grow up, you get out there and dent the universe thru hard work and sweat. And always make sure you do it in a positive way with class, dignity and respect”. 

So far so good. However, at this point Baby Johnson responds to her dad’s pearls of wisdom in a less than complimentary way.

The Rock continued:

She responded by poo’ing on me in this moment as she plays her favorite game, “Drum time on daddy’s big head”.

It was a good talk.?#HappyLaborDay#TheJohnsons#GoodTalksWithDaddy

Hate to break it to you, Dwayne, but we’re not sure the message of dignity, class and respect truly sunk in.

For now, her candy-ass behaviour will be relegated to the Johnson family histories.