There are some jokes which never seem to grow old and this, of course, includes the classic ‘your mum’ joke.
Rooted in the eternal idea of a person’s parents being strictly non-sexual beings – this joke insinuates the joker has engaged in some down and dirty with the jokee’s mother.
The humour then rests on the jokee’s seething, flustered discomfort at this boundary being so rudely – yet amusingly – crossed.
It seems even billionaire entrepreneurs aren’t above a sly ‘your mum’ joke, albeit in a hilariously subtle way…

46-year-old Elon Musk may be a titan of business but he clearly can’t resist having a cheeky chuckle every now and then.
SpaceX’s nose-coned FSV fairing catcher, ‘Mr. Steven’, has the solemn task of helping to recover and reuse returning fairings with a humongous net.
However, in his spare time it seems Mr. Steven is more than capable of catching your mum’s heart; stopping it from being corroded in the watery depths of your parents’ bitter divorce.
In fact, it appears Mr. Steven is heading on over to your mum’s house right now; sizeable deck at the ready:

Yep, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the Marine Traffic website has stated Mr. Steven’s current destination port to be ‘Your Momshouse.’
There’s also the option to check out Mr. Steven’s ‘Latest Positions,’ but I don’t think you want to go down that particular rabbit hole my friend!
Creator of the Next Spaceflight app, Michael Baylor, grew wise to Mr. Steven’s filthy bank holiday weekend plans and tweeted the following message:
CONFIRMED: #SpaceX “fairing” recovery vessel Mr. Steven is heading for YOUR MOM’S HOUSE. Yes, you read that right. @elonmusk has some explaining to do.
CONFIRMED: #SpaceX "fairing" recovery vessel Mr. Steven is heading for YOUR MOM'S HOUSE. Yes, you read that right. @elonmusk has some explaining to do.
Credit to @thechriswessel for the find. pic.twitter.com/ITDws8Q4l7
— Michael Baylor (@nextspaceflight) March 30, 2018
Of course this is his doing. pic.twitter.com/6J2iErfXse
— Jackie Wattles (@jackiewattles) March 30, 2018
Since Elon himself retweeted Michael, it’s fairly safe to assume the CEO is in on the naughty joke.
Oh Elon, you cheeky little prankster you!
Check out how everyone’s favourite space-mad businessman rose to greatness below:
[ooyala player_id=”5df2ff5a35d24237905833bd032cd5d8″ width=”undefined” height=”undefined” pcode=”twa2oyOnjiGwU8-cvdRQbrVTiR2l” code=”xtdG5jZTE6yV_ddekt3i-3cy0EdkRlDy”]
Despite the disconcerting image of a boat rocking up to serenade your mum with its eardrum-piercing foghorn, people have been greatly amused by mischievous Elon’s high jinks.
One person chortled:
You definitely have some explaining to do @elonmusk !!! First of all, how did you get my mother’s address?!
Another guffawed:
Omg I needed a laugh. @elonmusk I love your sense of humour
If Mr. Steven succeeds i really would love to see the video.
— Daniela Schmidt (@DanSch1409) March 30, 2018
Well @elonmusk did say they have big balls at @SpaceX
— Cormac Sheehan (@CormacSheehan1) March 30, 2018
You definitely have some explaining to do @elonmusk !!! First of all, how did you get my mother's address?!?
— Tanya Kae (@tanyakae7) March 30, 2018
Omg I needed a laugh. @elonmusk I love your sense of humour
— Jennifer (@TweetSoCrazy) March 30, 2018
This isn’t the first time our Elon has revealed a slightly edgy sense of humour.
Back in 2017, Rolling Stone reported how Elon has a framed poster of a shooting star in his SpaceX office. A perfectly standard image, one might presume.
However, the caption on the poster is more than just a little bit dark:
When you wish upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless it’s really a meteor hurtling to the Earth which will destroy all life.
Then you’re pretty much hosed, no matter what you wish for. Unless it’s death by meteorite.
Hey, I wanted this to be a surprise Elon! ?
— Mr. Steven (@FairingCatcher) March 30, 2018
Ahahahahahahahaha!! I love it!! Thanks for the smiles!!
— Cheryl B. (@mystealthXflies) March 30, 2018
I nearly choked in my morning coffee, this is hilarious
— Ireen (@Garlic_Bertha) March 30, 2018
My Mom’s in a nursing home. That’ll liven things up a bit! pic.twitter.com/YTQtczqjK8
— imnita (@imnita69) March 30, 2018
Awe, I’m sure Elon has landed his vessel at your MOMS house before. Lol jk!
— Amber Vikjord (@WilNotBSilentAF) March 30, 2018
If you have a story you want to tell send it to UNILAD via [email protected]

Jules studied English Literature with Creative Writing at Lancaster University before earning her masters in International Relations at Leiden University in The Netherlands (Hoi!). She then trained as a journalist through News Associates in Manchester. Jules has previously worked as a mental health blogger, copywriter and freelancer for various publications.