Everybody’s Kicking Off About This ‘Racist’ EU Referendum Poster

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Whether you’re voting to stay in the EU, or voting to get the hell out of it, one thing remains certain: those campaigning on both sides of the debate want everybody on their side.


It’s undeniably the biggest debate of recent times and this new poster by Operation Black Vote aims to urge black and ethnic minority voters in the UK to take part and vote, but as you can probably imagine, the poster has caused quite a stir.

Operation Black Vote

There are numerous interpretations of the poster with some saying that it is designed to show how no matter where you come from, whether through background, religion, or ethnicity, your voice is just as powerful as everybody else’s.


Whereas others have argued that the poster is urging the minorities to vote, suggesting that if they don’t make their voice heard then others will (like the pretty angry skinhead in the poster), reports the BBC.

But does the poster go too far? It’s clearly quite an intimidating shot and a lot of people have claimed that it is simply too extreme – while others are suggesting that the depiction of the white male as a thug is completely racist.

One of those who believes the image goes to far is UKIP leader, Nigel Farage, who said the poster was a ‘disgusting’ example of ‘sectarian politics’, adding:

I want to engage people in all communities to get involved in our democracy but I’m afraid this poster is a really big mistake.

But the unlikely Farage is not the only one to voice his disapproval:


But as with every story, there are two sides, and a handful of people are fans of the poster:

What do you think?