This is the amazing moment bystanders rescued a man from certain death, after his car veered off a main road at high speed.
The vehicle landed in a lake, where he lay unconscious.
Locals in the area immediately jumped into the water in order to try to save the man.
They administered CPR and remarkably, the man regained consciousness. All thanks to the bravery of these people.
Watch the incredible clip here:
The incident took place in Ocoee, a city in Florida, US.
Ocoee police officers arrived shortly before 1 p.m. entering the water to search for additional victims. None were located. The man was transported to a local hospital in an unknown condition.
Witness Sunil Kulkami said, as per WFTV:
The car was upside down all the way, so it took like six to seven people to actually push it over. It was intense. Like, everybody had stopped what they were doing and was tending to the guy to bring him back.
That was the great thing. Everybody – from all walks – came together … to save this man.
Bystanders saw a car seat was ejected, so they feared there was a child in the water. ‘They (had) seen the car seat fly into the air,’ Kulkarni said. ‘Immediately, you thought there was a baby inside.’
Speaking of good samaritan’s in the state of Florida, an officer went viral recently for helping shave a homeless man’s beard in preparation for a McDonald’s interview.
Now it’s not exactly on par with rescuing a human life but still.

Phil from Tallahassee, Florida, was getting ready for a job interview at his local branch of McDonald’s. He’d reportedly been told he’d get the job if he turned up clean-shaven.
However, even such a simple prerequisite is tough when you don’t have money or a secure home readily available.
Phil had managed to purchase a razor second hand, but he experienced further difficulties when it turned out it was broken. It was a Sunday and the interview was due to take place the following day.
As Phil stood struggling outside a gas station, kindhearted City of Tallahassee Police Department Officer, Tony Carlson, pulled up in the parking lot and noticed him.
Neither Phil or Tony had any spare screws on them, but Tony was able to help tighten up the existing screws so the razor was actually usable.
As Tony worked to fix the razor, he learned all about Phil’s upcoming job interview; noting how ‘he seemed excited about it.’ Impressed by Phil’s sincere determination to improve his circumstances, Tony was keen to give him a helping hand.
Once Phil starting shaving, it was clear there were further obstacles to overcome. Without a mirror to call his own, Phil was unable to see his own face, making shaving difficult.
It was then Tony stepped in to give Phil a shave himself, right where the two men stood in the gas station parking lot.
Think it doesn’t get better than that? Phil got the job. People of Florida, if you’re reading, can I just say you’re all great. Keep doing what you’re doing and setting an example for the rest of us.
If you have a story you want to tell send it to UNILAD via [email protected].