Guy Absolutely Slammed For Ridiculous #MuslimBan Tweet

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An ignorant Trump enthusiast got absolutely destroyed on Twitter when he humiliated himself with a tweet that was not only discriminatory, but factually incorrect.


Boy did Twitter notice. Steve Hirsch, a self proclaimed nationalist and major pro-Trump supporter showed his support for the #MuslimBan and attached photos of the two perpetrators of the 2015 San Bernardino shootings.

Steve’s tweet read:


With a #MuslimBan, the San Bernardino shooting would have never happened and 14 people would still be alive. Thank you #PresidentTrump!

The public were quick to point out Steve’s error because neither of the people in his tweet would have been banned according to Trump’s Muslim ban.

Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik were the couple who targeted a San Bernardino County Department of Public Health event with about 80 employees.

Farook was American-born, whilst Malik was from Pakistan – neither of them would be banned according to Trump’s rules.


On top of that there’s the obvious issue with complete ignorance and discrimination against an entire religion…


Why don’t people mention the Native American argument more often?

He got told there…

There it is…the winning question. Why is America banning Muslims but not guns?! Outrageous.



Ah the irony that Steve’s cover photo is a gun on top of a bible…

Giving a bit of perspective…

Who’s the real enemy?

A great point, well made.

They were both American citizens…

‘Go read a book’…

Flack really shows Steve up here…

‘You have very tiny brains’…

The unfortunate truth…

Andz reckons the ban is tailored to where Trump has businesses…

Just in case Steve didn’t clock on, Robert Lawson is here to hammer the point home…

There were so many other responses to Steve’s tweet and it got over 3k likes and 1.7k retweets.


Maybe he’ll check his facts so his discriminatory tweets are at the very least correct next time…