Guy Gives Brother A Loan In 2012, Doesn’t Have To Pay It Back Thanks To Ridiculous Clause

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While Tupac, Biggie and Jesus are yet to reappear in the modern world, you wouldn’t want to put your money against it happening in the near future. 


How so? Enter brothers Judd and Ryan Markowitz.


Back in 2012, Ryan gave his brother a loan for $2,000 to be paid back in 2018, reports Mashable.


What followed was a list of wild and almost certainly impossible predictions with the contract stating that if any of them occurred the loan did not have to paid back.

Judd posted the contract to Twitter which reads:

I, Judd Markowitz, am borrowing $2,000 from Ryan Markowitz on 11/28/2012. I will begin repayment to him on 12/28/2018 in monthly installments of $100. The loan will accumulate no interest. Loan repayments will be waived if the following circumstances occur before or after 12/28/2018:

And there you have – ‘Rick Santorum or Donald Trump becomes President in 2016’.


In the words of the great Justin Bieber ‘Never Say Never’.


Ah well – at least there’s worse things in life than losing $2,000 dollars. One of them being Donald Trump becoming president.