Guy Gives Girlfriend The Hood From His Jacket But Keeps Coat For Himself

Hood BoyfriendKennedy News and Media

In scenes likely to split public opinion, a man has been found giving his girlfriend the hood of his jacket to keep her ‘new haircut’ dry but kept the rest of the coat to himself.


Eye-witness and zero-hours paparazzo Jake Shannon, 26, couldn’t believe his eyes when he spotted the couple walking hand in hand during a downpour in Northwich, Cheshire, and drove back to film them.

Whether or not he should be filming random people walking down the street is a whole other matter. Let’s stick to the chivalrous vs selfish debate for now.


The footage shows the couple strolling through the rain, the girl without a coat but sporting the large bright blue hood on her head which visibly matches her fella’s jacket.

Personal trainer and bodybuilder Jake shared the video on Facebook where it quickly racked up almost two million views after being shared and liked more than 25,000 times.

However the man’s antics split opinion as many tagged their partners in the video and asked ‘would you give me your hood’ – while others thought the man should have given her the whole coat.

Jake’s own comment when he shared the video read, ‘You love your girl….but do you love her enough to give her the hood off your coat!? [This] man’s setting standards out here that I just can’t meet.’


He added:

I couldn’t stop laughing. It was hammering it down. I reckon he has paid for her haircut and didn’t want it ruined. It’s more than likely – I would do the same if I’d paid for my missus’ hair.

I have no idea why he chose to just give her the hood and not the whole coat. He probably didn’t want to get wet himself but thought he better protect her hair.

I think it’s very unusual, it’s quite inventive. If I was out when it was raining I would just give my missus my coat, I would never think to unbutton the hood and just give her that. I think my missus would just take my coat off me.

He continued:

It’s gone viral on Facebook, I’ve had thousands of comments from people – lots of people tagging their partners saying they wouldn’t give them their hood. I think it’s captured people’s imagination because it’s just so unusual. It’s really out of the ordinary – it’s not something you expect to see walking down the street.

The video really seems to be splitting opinion. Most people seem to think he’s very chivalrous and it’s really nice that he’s done it. Most people see him as a real gentleman.

But quite a lot of people have pointed out that he could have just given her the whole coat really.

Since Jake sent the couple unknowingly viral, thousands of women have tagged their partners in the post and asked if they would do the same for them.


Craig Gilmour commented, ‘He looks f**king fuming that he’s had to give her his hood.’

Nick Taylor quipped, ‘Gotta wait for the new perm to set it just cost him 350.’

Bonnie Ralston tagged a mate and joked, ‘[We] need to find someone that loves us this much.

Jess Gibson also tagged a friend and, failing to be original, wrote: ‘We need to find boys that do this for us.’

My gut reaction is that this is pure beta male stuff. It’s better than nothing, don’t get me wrong, but if you aren’t willing to risk a few days of ill health for your world, your oyster, your everything – then excuse yourself from a relationship.

Think of it like this: you sacrifice your coat, get drenched in rain; come the next day you’re likely to be suffering from the man flu, which in turn results in both major boyfriend points and TLC while sat watching Netflix all week. Winnner-winner!

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