Guy Orders Vest From Amazon, Gets Delivered A Dress Instead

By :
Facebook/Jeremy Russel Priola

Online orders can be a minefield of inaccurate sizing, paying through the nose for postage and missed postmen.

But when Jeremy Russel Priola suffered an all-too-common Amazon order mix up, he chose to see the funny side and embrace his new attire.


The New York-born fashion designer, who now lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ordered a simple grey vest, presumably to show off the guns now that the sun’s out.

Jeremy Russel Priola

However, the item of clothing he received showed off a little more skin than Jeremy had perhaps intended.

Jeremy shared the fashion accident with his Facebook followers, writing:

I got this tank top on Amazon and they sent me a dress. On the plus side it does make my ass look great.

Also finding the funny side, 40,000 people have since reacted to Jeremy embracing his feminine side in the Lycra lurex silver dress and it’s been shared 35,000 times.


Considering the similarities between the two items, you can see how the mix up may have occurred.


Perhaps the stylish clothes-maker should stick to designing his own wardrobe in future.