Guy Slates Tesco Mobile On Twitter, Gets Brutally Trolled

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There’s a lot of things you shouldn’t do on Twitter, as Keith Adams and his ’93yr mum’ found out two weeks ago. But if there’s one person you should really avoid shading, it’s Tesco Mobile.

Unfortunately for Mr Joe Lee, nobody had told him about the Scarface of the British mobile network world – that is, until it was too late.

So let’s cut to the chase.

Joe thought it would be a really funny idea to tweet about Tesco Mobile and refer to them as being the ‘absolute poverty’ network to be on.


He tweeted:

Oh dear Joe. Oh dear.

Despite not even tagging Tesco Mobile’s account in the tweet, they heard all about it and held no bars with their revenge attack.

Rest in peace Joe.


And as with all things on the Internet, it didn’t take very long at all for everybody to jump on the bandwagon…

Others decided they were going to transfer:

But because Tesco Mobile are the most ruthless mobile company out there, you should not be surprised to learn that they’ve done this before:



Moral of the story: Don’t fuck with Tesco Mobile.