During this time of political upheaval, people are voicing their opinions in any way they know how: Protests, marches, and – of course – on Twitter.
Even celebrities better known for their art are getting political and protesting President Trump‘s so-called ‘Muslim Ban’ on social media for their millions of followers to see.
The day after Azealia Banks sparked a long-winded feud with Rihanna over her American citizenship, and Kim Kardashian did some maths to prove Trump wrong, the beloved British author, J. K. Rowling has expertly displayed how to get to the crux of the matter in 140 characters.
"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." — Winston Churchill
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) January 30, 2017
Tweeting a quote courtesy of Britain’s war Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, Rowling made a not-so-subtle dig at our current PM, Theresa May.
After her visit to meet President Trump at the White House, May has disappointed many UK citizens over her weak response to the shunning of seven Muslim nations.
Rowling chimed in, claiming that to have enemies simply means you have the backbone to stand up for something you believe in: A fitting message for Ms. May at the present moment in time.
*sighs* Well, who knows? If I try harder, I might be reincarnated as a lonely virgin hiding behind a cartoon frog. pic.twitter.com/EbocdxfJ5o
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) January 30, 2017
However, a Trump-supporting Twitter troll pointed out the sentiment could also be applied to Trump, who seems dead set on making political enemies globally.
‘Frogulus Pepe’ opted for some good old playground tactics with his Twitter retort, calling Rowling ‘Mrs Shitty Writer’ – the irony is lost on literally no one.
Unfortunately for ‘Frogulus Pepe’, he took on a world renowned writer who strings together words for a living, and Ms. Rowling replied demonstrating that skill to full effect at the troll’s expense.

She wrote:
Well, who knows? If I try harder, I might be reincarnated as a lonely virgin hiding behind a cartoon frog.
Okay, it’s not her best work, admittedly.
People – like Darren Dutton – were quick to ask what exactly is wrong with being a lonely virgin.
What's wrong with lonely virgins? Asking for a friend.
— Darren Dutton (@Darren_Dutton) January 30, 2017
Back on her usually eloquent form, Rowling replied that she wished all lonely virgins ‘fulfilment and happiness’…
Just as long as they chose to spend their time in more fruitful pursuits and not spreading hate through their alt-right politics.
Unless they're sublimating their frustration in alt-right politics, I wish every one of them fulfilment and happiness ❤️ https://t.co/aXAWaD87Ds
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) January 30, 2017
When another Twitter troll then proceeded to call her ‘an old whore’ for expressing her distaste for keyboard warriors and the bile-filed rhetoric of trolling, Rowling again affirmed the importance of ‘not hiding’ behind a chihuahua when you’re debating politics.
Unless you're actually a hooded chihuahua, I'm pretty sure I win on the 'not hiding' front. I quite like 'old whore', though. #Shakespearean pic.twitter.com/0pIEVfrGn7
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) January 30, 2017
Of course, we live in a world divided on issues like immigration. While we are all entitled to our own opinions, we are legally not permitted to spread racial hatred.
It seems the Twitter trolls will continue to fuel the flame of division, from behind their animated masks.

A former emo kid who talks too much about 8Chan meme culture, the Kardashian Klan, and how her smartphone is probably killing her. Francesca is a Cardiff University Journalism Masters grad who has done words for BBC, ELLE, The Debrief, DAZED, an art magazine you’ve never heard of and a feminist zine which never went to print.