Jessie J revealed the backstory behind her misspelled tattoo in an attempt to defend herself against trolls.
First Ariana Grande accidentally professed her love for a tiny Japanese BBQ with a misspelled tattoo, and now this? These singers really need to start spell-checking.
While Ari blamed the mistake on her inability to handle the pain of getting the correct phrase, Jessie simply held her hands up and admitted that she f*cked up.
To be fair, the Do It Like A Dude singer probably could have just blamed the mistake on the tattoo artist and none of us would have been any the wiser, so I admire her honesty.
The 31-year-old shared a snap of her tattoo on Instagram, where she explained that she had the lyrics inked in Essex when she was 18. I’m not sure if that was meant to be an excuse – I like to think most people have spelling down by the time they’re officially an adult.
Jessie struggled to get her head around the spelling of one particular word, making her tattoo ultimately nonsensical.
The phrase she intended to get tattooed was taken from her song Who You Are, and reads:
Don’t lose who you are in the blur of the stars
However, the difference between ‘lose’ and ‘loose’ got the best of her, and her tattoo ended up reading ‘don’t loose who you are in the blur of the stars’.
Admittedly, it’s a pretty common mistake, and I’m sure a lot of people wouldn’t even think twice when reading the phrase. But it seems Jessie has taken some stick for the tattoo in the past, so she shared the post in the hope of tackling people calling her out for the misspelling head on.
The singer posted a picture of herself posing in a bikini, with the tattoo visible on her hip.
She wrote:
Yes my tattoo says… “don’t loose who you are in the blur of the stars”
Yes they are MY lyrics from my song who you are
Yes that I wrote
Yes I spelt the tattoo wrong
Yes I repeat it’s spelt wrong
Yes I got it done in Essex
Yes the tattoo artist didn’t mention it
Yes I was 18
Yes I still don’t know the difference between lose and loose
Yes It’s the reason I wear everything high waisted
I suppose if she still doesn’t know the difference between the two words, then the misspelling wouldn’t really matter to her anyway. At least she’s aware of it and able to defend herself.
The 31-year-old also took the opportunity to address body-shamers, who have presumably commented on her boobs in the past.
She added:
And YES I know I have small boobs. Don’t waste your time telling me like I don’t see them everyday
Don’t @ me
K bye
Jessie is clearly over hearing from trolls, and her success speaks for itself.
Don’t loose hope, Jessie.
If you have a story you want to tell, send it to [email protected].

Emily Brown first began delivering important news stories aged just 13, when she launched her career with a paper round. She graduated with a BA Hons in English Language in the Media from Lancaster University, and went on to become a freelance writer and blogger. Emily contributed to The Sunday Times Travel Magazine and Student Problems before becoming a journalist at UNILAD, where she works on breaking news as well as longer form features.