Kim Kardashian’s Daughter Asked Her How She Got Famous

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At some point during childhood we tend to ponder the nature of our own existence and ask ‘where do babies come from?’

If you’re the child of Kim Kardashian and hubby Kanye West, however, the question probably presents itself in a different light.

North West, the eldest of three, might be forgiven for asking: ‘Mommy, where does all this money and property come from? Why do old men film me walking in and out of cars and buildings every day?’


On Big Boy’s Neighborhood radio show, the reality TV mogul was talking about North when she revealed the five year old had pried into the family’s success.

Kim explained:

She asked, ‘Mom, why are you famous?’ And I was like okay I’m gonna have to explain this. I’m like, ‘We have a TV show… we have a TV show,’ and she was like ‘oh okay’ and that was like the first time.

Speaking to Ellen DeGeneres in April, Kim spoke about North’s relationship with her new sibling Chicago West, saying:

She’s better than she was with Saint. I mean, there was a shocking moment yesterday. She literally had a can of popcorn and was like, ‘Saint, do you want some?’ And I was like, ‘WHAT?!’

You don’t understand, she does not share with Saint, she does not hardly talk to Saint. So that was such a big moment in my household yesterday.

He wasn’t [shocked] actually. I was shocked he wasn’t shocked.

He’s nicer than North, I will say that. He loves his little sister, he’s so sweet with her. I always have to watch out for him — he smothers her. He jumps in her crib!

This year’s been quite the ride for Kardashian, who previously met up with President Donald Trump much to the dismay of her adoring fans.

The formidable pair met to discuss the case of 63-year-old Alice Johnson, a great-grandmother and non-violent first time drug offender, who’s currently serving a life sentence without parole.

Putting her hard-earned fame – part beauty business, part adult entertainment movie and part nepotism – to good use, Kim Kardashian travelled to the White House to ask President Donald Trump to grant Johnson clemency.

The White House

Kim was successful and Alice was granted clemency and able to return to her family.


Alice sent the reality star an emotional thank you note which read:

Ms. Kardashian you are literally helping to save my life and restore me to my family. I was drowning and you have thrown me a life jacket and given me hope.

Kardashian learnt of the case last year, and reached out to Ivanka Trump to set up the meeting with her husband, Jared Kushner, who also acts as her father’s senior advisor. Obviously.


Johnson was imprisoned for life in 1997 for drug dealing and money laundering after her 15 accomplices all testified against her and had their own charges dropped – despite Johnson’s minor role in the cocaine ring.

Nice to have a happy ending in 2018, isn’t it?

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