Nothing is more painful than a fully grown adult trying to be ‘down with the kids’ – but that didn’t stop this supposed Microsoft Recruiter from trying.
As reported by Mashable, one intern received the cringiest of emails inviting them to ‘hang’ with the Microsoft University recruitment ‘crew’.
But as all young people have such short attention spans you really have to grab them with the opening line, so naturally they went with ‘Hey Bae’.
My roommate received this email from a Microsoft recruiter today.
— Patrick Burtchaell (@pburtchaell) July 6, 2016
‘Hella noms’, ‘dranks’, and ‘beats’ these guys just get young adults in a way no other major company ever could…
The invite was revealed on Twitter by Patrick Burtchaell who said it was sent to his roommate.
But it is the sign off line that adds a hideously cringy cherry on top of the embarrassing cake – ‘HELL YES TO GETTING LIT ON A MONDAY NIGHT’.
Of course Microsoft encourage employees to get smashed on work nights, what responsible billion dollar corporation wouldn’t?
It’s like they learned nothing from Tay the racist chatbot.