For any professional model the idea of falling while on the catwalk must be a terrifying prospect.
Unfortunately for one luckless Serbian model the nightmare became a reality however when she took a bit of a tumble after missing a step on stage during a TV programme.
Even more embarrassingly though right after her she stumbled and fell, the unfortunate model suffered a rather undignified wardrobe malfunction, accidentally flashing her boobs to the audience.
Thankfully the unlucky model was a consummate professional and quickly righted herself before finishing her stroll down the catwalk where she was consoled by the TV show’s hosts.
Fair play to the model involved if it’d been me I’d have run out of the TV studio as fast as my legs could carry me.
The model’s not the only one this week to accidentally flash the world Simon Cowell was accused of flashing his little Cowell to the world on Sunday’s episode of the X-Factor but thankfully it turned out to be his toe.