One mother has been caught on camera pulling a gun on a group of kids in a park, who were bullying her son.
Tracy Lesser, 42, took the gun to the park in St Louis after getting a text from her son asking for protection, according to reports.
Her husband was also pictured in the background, carrying a baseball bat, and the story has predictably horrified people.
She claims that she ‘absolutely did not’ intend to use the gun.
Lesser added: “But I felt that was my only safeguard against being killed that night. Worst-case scenario, yes, I would have used it. But I didn’t.”
The video was taken on August 26th, and came days after Don Lesser chased the alleged bullies down the street with a pocket knife after he caught them having a fight outside his home.
The violence has shown no sign of stopping, after reports of BB pellets being fired into the window of the Lesser’s house surfaced over the weekend.