Disney’s announcement of a new Indiana Jones movie has led to a fair amount of mockery online – something they probably should have seen coming.
Yesterday, the ‘House of Mouse’ confirmed that we will be getting a new Indiana Jones film in 2019 and, even better, that both Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford are on board for the project.
As you’d expect, following the news of another Indiana Jones reboot the Internet was abuzz, as fans and critics looked to name the currently untitled film.
Unsurprisingly, the ever cynical Internet didn’t necessarily react in a positive way, especially after the ‘success’ of the last movie, with a fair few wondering if the 73-year-old Ford still has what it takes to don the iconic whip and hat again.
Here’s just a few of the suggested titles…
Indiana Jones and the Escape From Shady Pines #IndianaJonesTitles pic.twitter.com/R9nD9CdvdS
— Alun Saunders ❄️ (@alunsaunders) March 15, 2016
Indian Jones and The Prostate of Doom
— hoskas (@hoskas) March 15, 2016
.@lungboy FTW today with #IndianaJonesTitles "Indiana Jones and Now Why Did I Walk Into This Temple Again?" @lorenandwally
— laurenbeckhamfalcone (@lbfalcone) March 16, 2016
Indiana Jones and the get those damn kids off my lawn. #IndianaJonesTitles pic.twitter.com/zlzYvNu0CL
— Tim Doutré (@Timdoutre) March 16, 2016
I love #IndianaJones and #HarrisonFord but is this gonna be the next one? #IndianaJonesTitles #IndyAndTheZimmerFrame pic.twitter.com/SHbrHoqpzv
— Daniel Wright (@danielmwright) March 15, 2016
Indiana Jones and the Flogged Dead Horse #IndianaJonesTitles
— Matthew Lewis (@MattLewisAuthor) March 15, 2016
Florida Jones and the Nazis who Won't Get Off my Golf Course #IndianaJonesTitles
— Andrew Reinhard (@adreinhard) March 15, 2016
Some even guessed at filming locations…
Indian Jones will be filmed at a nursing home outside LA.
— Nate Shenk (@shenkitup) March 15, 2016
However, not everyone was down on the new film…
Indiana Jones and the Screw You and Your Old Jokes!
— Eric Goldman (@TheEricGoldman) March 15, 2016
Indiana Jones and the People Who Supposedly Love the Character But Are Apparently a Bunch of Cynical Killjoys.
— Ron Marz (@ronmarz) March 15, 2016
As for me, I’m cautiously optimistic. While The Crystal Skull has left a sour taste in my mouth, Disney have earned some good faith for the way they’ve handled the Marvel franchises and Star Wars.
Add to that Harrison Ford’s impressive turn as Han Solo in The Force Awakens (seriously, wasn’t it nice to see him care again?), and we’ve potentially got something decent on our hands.
And, hey, it can’t be as bad as things were when Lucas was in charge…

More of a concept than a journalist, Tom Percival was forged in the bowels of Salford University from which he emerged grasping a Masters in journalism.
Since then his rise has been described by himself as ‘meteoric’ rising to the esteemed rank of Social Editor at UNILAD as well as working at the BBC, Manchester Evening News, and ITV.
He credits his success to three core techniques, name repetition, personality mirroring, and never breaking off a handshake.