This British lad is giving people online free pizzas… Because he got really drunk and figured itwas a good idea.
Which it totally was.
Daniel Sobey-Harker is a British Reddit user that decided to embark on a random act of kindness, and planned on buying somebody online a pizza, until it escalated.

Not entirely sure how to buy pizza for somebody in America, after drinking 9 more beers, he bought 2 Bitcoins, which meant he could buy from Papa Johns in the states.
Obviously, Daniel didn’t realise that 2 Bitcoins is actually worth $550, so rather than waste any or have anything spare, he started buying pizza for everyone!
He put a message out on Reddit, and it went from there…
One guy replied from Hawaii, saying:
I could use a pizza tonight. In Hawaii. Extra bonus for difficulty.
Daniel Replied:
Ah you fucker. Yeah I’ll give that a shot if you have a papajohns there.
Pizza hut and dominos hate me.
And sure enough, a couple of hours later…
The praise started coming in…
One lad wrote:
Oi! me and my gf are completely broke til friday and need food. havent eaten anythjng today. can def use a pie lol.
Here he is a bit later that same night…
He had a lot of grateful new friends!
Op delivers! p.s. Thank you again SobeyHarker! The Internet truly is an amazing and wonderful thing sometimes…
Daniel was a bit rough this morning, and said:
Was a bit of a rough night to say the least – really didn’t expect this to blow up as it did.
Nice on, mate!
If you happen to read this, meat feast with extra cheese please, boss!