People Did Some Weird Sh*t At Burning Man Festival This Year

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Burning Man Festival is the annual freaky Nevada desert city where all the most psychedelic, raunchy, eccentric, and just plain fucking weird stuff goes on… and even that feels like a massive understatement.

This year was no exception with a bunch of really odd happenings at the gathering.


And for the craziest collection of stories, Reddit never fails to entertain, beginning with this gem of a tale about Burning Man’s strap-on-a-thon:

Nudity is a given at the festival, but these stories take it to a whole new level:

Can’t argue with a foam shower filled with 40 attractive people, I guess…

Hmm, apparently ass-licking scores you points in the desert as well:


I think Easyjet need to take a leaf out of this book:

The 10 principles of Burning Man are radical inclusion, gifting, decommodification, radical self-reliance, radical self-expression, communal effort, civic responsibility, leaving no trace, participation, immediacy… did we mention it’s pretty radical?

With inclusion and participation comes some pretty forward people. These stories make it sound like all social boundaries are extinguished by RADICAL extroversion.


Unsurprisingly, he didn’t complain when he woke up to a morning spoon:

And…these ones are just fucked up!


Seems like one of those festivals that gets better the further away it is…