We’ve all done and said embarrassingly awkward things that we’ve instantly regretted – they just seem to slip out sometimes, don’t they?
Now people are taking to Twitter to let the whole world know about these awkward moments, and it’s reassuring to know that other people have gone through far more embarrassing situations than I thought possible.
According to BuzzFeed it all started with Jenny Lawson, aka @TheBloggess. She’s a popular blogger and New York Times best-selling author from America, and she got the ball rolling with an embarrassing tweet of her own.
Her followers soon started sharing their own stories, and hilarity ensued.
Here’s how it started:
Airport cashier: "Have a safe flight." Me: "You too!" I CAN NEVER COME HERE AGAIN.
— TheBloggess (@TheBloggess) November 1, 2015
And here’s what the rest of Twitter had to say:
@TheBloggess A friend went placed her order at drivethru. She then heard "Could you drive up to the speaker you're talking to the trash can"
— Kelly B (@GotCookies) November 1, 2015
@TheBloggess We have a Texas sage plant that flowers before rain. When asked if it would rain today I said "Not according to my bush."
— Jessica White (@JE551CAw) November 2, 2015
@TheBloggess nanny job interview, told job would involve light housekeeping replied "I've never kept a Lighthouse before but willing to try"
— Glenna Ranieri (@glenha) November 2, 2015
@TheBloggess Was asked by a distant relative what I do…proudly exclaimed "I are a teacher!"
— Katy (@katypillar150) November 2, 2015
@TheBloggess On a trip, saw some baby horses, could not think of the word foal, finally shouted "horse kittens" and pointed. Wife understood
— John McKay (@archymck) November 2, 2015
@TheBloggess I was looking for clip on sunglasses to go over my prescription glasses. Asked the pharmacist at CVS if they sold "strap ons."
— rdweatherly (@rdweatherly) November 1, 2015
@TheBloggess I told someone at a party, "that dirty old man is trying to hit on you". She said, "actually he's my fiancé".
— Margot Saville (@MargotSaville) November 1, 2015
@TheBloggess sent the following text (about my Hispanic landlord) to NOT my roommate:"Jesus is coming at 10am. Be awake and have clothes on"
— the carie (@thecarie) November 2, 2015
@TheBloggess was waiting in line, stepped backwards onto someone's foot, turned around with open hands in apology, cupped both her boobs.
— Ani Sarkisian (@AniMSarkisian) November 1, 2015
@TheBloggess I apologised to a woman I nearly bumped into in a record store. It was my reflection in the window. I just dyed my hair blonde
— You Know Who (@mental_nigella_) November 1, 2015
.@TheBloggess Once sent a text congratulating a guy friend on a new job. Autocorrect made I'm so happy for you- I'm so horny for you. #Oops
— Riki Cleveland (@missriki) November 2, 2015
@TheBloggess Wanted to ask if an uncleared table in a diner was free. What came out of my mouth: "Was whoever here went?"
— Doug Kelso (@darkpoole) November 2, 2015
@TheBloggess Told a one armed man to tell his mother the flowers I just put together for her cost him an arm and a leg.
— Jen (@ItsThatJenGirl) November 1, 2015
@TheBloggess Walked up to a baby-holding stranger (thinking it was my sister) at my daughter’s soccer game and said “Give me the baby.” ?
— hkell (@hkell) November 1, 2015
@TheBloggess Once ordered a dessert from restaurant called the “Fudgina.” Maybe pronounced, FudgEna, but that is not what I said.
— Christa Louks (@christalouks) November 2, 2015
@TheBloggess an elderly man presented his discount card to me and i said “you’re getting ready to expire!” I could not recover.
— Lindsay (@crashkrispy) November 1, 2015
@TheBloggess Buying dress w/small hole in seam. Salesclerk asked if I still wanted it. "Yeah, I'm pretty good at hand jobs." ? Hand sewing.
— Katie (@ChikSolo) November 2, 2015
Brilliant. I don’t feel so bad about my own slip ups anymore.