People Think Kim Kardashian Has Had Ridiculous Implant Surgery After Latest Instagram Post

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People aren’t so taken with Kim Kardashian, again, this time, for an equally non-controversial reason!


The reality TV mogul has garnered a decent amount of scrutiny this year. In January she sent social media into a frenzy by posing barefoot in a kitchen.

Then there was the standard backlash at her decision to get topless for the ‘Gram.


In February, a series of photos showing Kardashian in cornrows sparked a huge row among those who deemed it insulting to those of Caribbean heritage. That same month, her ‘hate-list’ went viral.


And only a couple of months ago, in June, Kardashian released some prescription medicine used to help women tackle nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.

What’s the deal today? Implants.

Kardashian has been seen recently sporting some type of neck implant which glows up to the rhythm of her heartbeat.


Weird? Maybe. But there’s a reason. It’s for art man. Specifically, a project called A. Human, founded by Simon Huck.

Other celebrities seen donning the strange neck art include Chrissy Teigen and Queer Eye’s Tan France.

A. Human will open as a month-long interactive art installation from September 5, 2018 in New York City.


So there you have it, a justification for the confusion. Now, why don’t we focus on something Kardashian did for the benefit of humanity this year? IMHO it got overlooked amid all the topless snaps and Bonjesta.

Kardashian met with Donald Trump to discuss the case of 63-year-old Alice Johnson, a great-grandmother and non-violent first time drug offender, who was serving a life sentence without parole.


Putting her fame to good use, Kim K beseeched the president to grant Johnson clemency.

Kim was successful and Alice was able to return to her family.


Alice sent the reality star an emotional thank you note which read:

Ms. Kardashian you are literally helping to save my life and restore me to my family. I was drowning and you have thrown me a life jacket and given me hope.

Kardashian learnt of the case last year, and reached out to Ivanka Trump to set up the meeting with her husband, Jared Kushner, who also acts as her father’s senior advisor. Obviously.


Johnson was imprisoned for life in 1997 for drug dealing and money laundering after her 15 accomplices all testified against her and had their own charges dropped – despite Johnson’s minor role in the cocaine ring.

That’s nice innit? Let’s remember that instead of all the silliness – feel me? Keep doing you, Kim.

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